Sunday, 16 March 2014

Snowy Owl experience.

It was nice at Ashbridges Bay today; -7 degrees Celsius, 10km/h wind, clear blue sky...

Highlights include 5 White-winged Scoter, a Snowy Owl, FOY Song Sparrow, many diving ducks, and 2 Iceland Gulls.

Here's what I saw:

2 Mute Swan
4 Gadwall
30 Redhead
20 Long-tailed Duck
5 Mallard
1 American Black Duck
5 Common Goldeneye
5 Bufflehead
5 White-winged Scoter
3 Red-breasted Merganser
200 Ring-billed Gull
20 Herring Gull
2 Iceland Gull
1 Song Sparrow
3 American Tree Sparrow
1 Red-winged Blackbird
6 Black-capped Chickadee
2 Northern Cardinal

Here are some shots!

Red-winged Blackbird

FOY Song Sparrow!

Lake Ontario

Common Goldeneye

Iceland Gull


Snowy Owl - I liked this shot, but had to get closer!

She then flushed and flew about 35 feet away.

Comments appreciated!

Happy birding!


Friday, 14 March 2014

Ashbridges Bay birding.

Today was nicer than yesterday; 6 degrees Celsius and sunny. Went back down to Ashbridges Bay and saw the usuals. I also picked up a yearbird. Only 5 Iceland Gulls today, but the Snowy Owl was back in the spot that she was seen in yesterday. Overall good afternoon.

Here's what I saw:

2 Mute Swan
10 Greater Scaup
5 White-winged Scoter
2 Common Goldeneye
5 Red-breasted Merganser
5 Common Merganser
20 Redhead
10 Gadwall
50 Mallard
1 Wood Duck
20 Long-tailed Duck
10 Bufflehead
300 Ring-billed Gull
30 Herring Gull
1 Great Black-backed Gull
6 Iceland Gull
1 American Tree Sparrow
1 Northern Cardinal
1 Red-winged Blackbird

Here are some shots!


FOY Red-winged Blackbird!

Redhead and Mallards

Greater Scaup

I refound the Snowy owl in about the same spot as yesterday.

The Mallards better watch their backs...

Long-tailed Ducks

White-winged Scoter

White-winged Scoter

Ring-billed Gull

Iceland Gull and Common Mergansers

Iceland among Ring-billed

Iceland Gull

Iceland Gull, Mallards, and a Wood Duck - you don't often see a Wood Duck and an Iceland Gull in the same shot!

Iceland Gull

American Black Duck

ABDU closeup

Comments appreciated!

Happy birding!


Thursday, 13 March 2014

11 more Iceland Gulls and a surprise lifer!

Went down to Ashbridges Bay, and it was pretty great. 8 degrees Celsius, no wind, sunny... what a day nice day. Highlights include lifer #182 - Wood Duck, 5 White-winged Scoters, 11 Iceland Gulls, a possible Thayer's Gull, and 13 Common Mergansers.

I went back down to the bay today, Thursday, and finally saw the Snowy Owl and it was very cold and windy. It was -13 Celsius with 35km/k wind off the lake. Brrr.

Here's what I saw:

2 Mute Swan
80 Canada Goose
1 Wood Duck
60 Mallard
10 Common Goldeneye
13 Common Merganser
5 Red-breasted Merganser
30 Redhead
15 Bufflehead
5 White-winged Scoter
20 Greater Scaup
150 Ring-billed Gull
40 Herring Gull
11 Iceland Gull
4 Black-capped Chickadee
1 Northern Cardinal
15 American Tree Sparrow

Here are some shots!

Trip 1:


Lifer #182! Wood Duck!

American Tree Sparrow

Redhead, Red-breasted Merganser, Greater Scaup, Bufflehead.

Red-breasted Merganser

Long-tailed Duck

Common Mergansers

Iceland Gull

Iceland Gulls

Iceland Gull

Long-tailed Duck going for a dive!

Common Mergansers

Wood Duck... in the parking lot?

Trip 2:

Icicles coming down from the sand.

White-winged Scoter

Snowy Owl!

This is the best shot I got of her!

Digiscoped headshot.

Northern Cardinal

Comments appreciated!

Happy birding!
