Saturday, 23 November 2013

Tommy Thompson park - negative 4 degrees celsius, snow, and 45km/h winds.

Today I went birding at Tommy Thompson Park. It was -4 degrees, was pelting snow, and there was 45km/h winds. Yeah, what a great day. That didn't stop me from getting 7 new species though!

Here's what I saw:

1 American Kestrel
1 Great Horned Owl
600 Long-tailed Duck
200 Common Goldeneye
100 Greater Scaup
50 Bufflehead
10 Redhead
20 Mallard
10 American Wigeon
50 Gadwall
10 Red-breasted Merganser
8 Trumpeter Swan
3 American Black Duck
10 Black-capped Chickadees

Here are some shots:


Hooded Mergansers 

Common Goldeneye - 6 males, 1 female

Common Goldeneye flying through the snow - 3 males, 1 female

American Black Duck (left) and Mallard (right) 

Long-tailed Duck

Long-tailed Ducks, Common Goldeneye, Bufflehead, Gadwall, and Redhead

Toronto skyline

Long-tailed Duck


Red-breasted Merganser

Great Horned Owl - my first owl I've ever seen!

Long-tailed Ducks

Please comment!

Happy birding!



  1. Replies
    1. I was also shocked to get great birds considering the weather. Thanks!

      I missed out on Tundra Swan and all three Scoters, though. You can't see them all!
      I'm going back in mid December, though!

  2. Amazing shots and birds! Congrats on the lifers.

    Now our ABA lifelists are equal! I'm going to Lake Tahoe in the Sierra Nevada Mountains next week, though, so I hope to get some lifers.

    Good birding!

    1. Wow, I caught up! Because of the weather here, that was my first birding trip in weeks! I got my last lifer 3 weeks ago!

      Thanks for the compliment, and good luck on your trip! ( a warmer trip ) :D

  3. Nice birds! 600 Long-Tailed Ducks is making this kid supremely jealous (and so are those Redheads)!

  4. Wow - so lucky to see the Great Horned Owl! Do you have Snowy Owls in Toronto....? That would be awesome to see in the wild.

  5. Snowy Owls are rare, but regularly occuring - I hope to see one in December!
