So, I was waiting to get picked up for hockey and I was looking through my front door for my ride. It was around 8:10 PM on February 3rd. Suddenly, a blur flew across my view. I quickly ruled out a bat because it was winter. Then I realized that ordinary birds like a cardinal wouldn't fly in pitch black like that. So I rushed outside to see if it was still there. There it was, an Eastern Screech Owl was staring right at me from the only tree in my front yard. It was only 10 feet away, and I stood there, stunned, for over 30 seconds. Then I realized that I should get my camera! I ran inside and ran back to my front door. I opened the door 10 inches and fired a few shots with flash at it in the tree. The camera, however, never focused on the owl! Then, something incredible occurred. The owl flew down and landed on my railing no more than 5 feet from my front door! I then proceeded to fire around 10 shots with flash of the owl. It seemed curious, and never flew away. A minute later, the owl flew into my neighbour's yard and my ride came.
Eastern Screech Owl - Lifer #179 (When least expected!)
Eastern Screech Owl in the tree.
The owl on my railing!
Comments appreciated!
Happy birding!